The prime aim of the Chellaston History Group is:

• To collect and record the history of the district.
• To keep in the Group’s archives documents, photographs, newspaper
           articles etc. which relate to the history of the district.
• To investigate and record the past history of the district.
• To publish material on various aspects of the district and its inhabitants.
• To hold meetings and arrange visits in furtherance to the above aims .

In August, September, October, November, January, February, March and April we
meet on the last Tuesday of the month at St Peter’s Church Hall, Chellaston at 19.30.

In December we have a social event for members only and in June and July we
have outdoor meetings.

Chellaston History Group initiated the Chellaston Oral History Project, the aim being to record for
future generations the memories of people who remember the village in days gone by. The first book
called Chellaston Voices is now out of print but we have two other books, Chellaston Working Lives and
Chellaston Working Lives 2 available. These can be seen on our Publications page. They were produced
mainly by two members of the group, Mick and Carol Appleby, with help from other members and of course the contributors.

Our membership is £10-00 per year and visitors are welcome to attend meetings for a small charge

Note, the History Group's emblem is the Chellaston Standing Angel (1419), made from alabaster, by Prentys and Sutton. For more information and a larger picture, please click here

Number of visits to
this web-site


Latest News

27th August 2024
St Peter’s Church Hall,
Chellaston. DE73 6UT
at 7.30pm

Women in the English Civil War
Helen Chambers
A look at the part women played, some were wives and mothers of soldiers.